We. Are. Back.

Hello everyone and welcome to the 2020/2021 school year!

There’s no doubt that the first half of 2020 has been a tad rocky, so to speak, but at ES we have started this school year stronger than ever. We couldn’t be more proud of our teachers and administrative staff for all the hard work they’re putting in and, most importantly, we couldn’t be more proud of our students, who have adapted to this “new normal” showing not only responsiblity, but also the same eagerness to learn that motivates us to keep going every year. For all of this, and much more not included in this text:

Thank you

In this post, we are going to sumarise all the changes we’ve undergone over the past months so that we could go back to class in the safest possible way. Take a look at the following Q&A:

What are the first changes I’ll notice when I go to ES?

One of the most noticeable changes is that, when you buzz, the street door opens automatically to avoid touching surfaces. When you leave, there’s a pad with a sensor in the hall: simple swipe your hand close to it (without touching it) and the door will open. 🙂

The second change you’ll notice is that, since the summer, both doors at ES are opened and the corridor is now one way. This means that, while you will still enter the school through the usual door, you’ll need to follow the arrows on the floor to leave through our (new) “exit door”.

Is there any procedure to be followed before we go to our class?

Indeed, there is. We’ve changed our London mat for a new one that will allow you to clean a disinfect your shoes and, once in the reception, you’ll have your temperture checked and you’ll need to use hand-sanitising gel.

Are the classrooms different?

Yes. We have reduced the number of students and placed transparent pannels in between each one of them, as well as the teacher, so that you can have your lesson with the most safety. Also, ventilation is really important so we have one of the windows in the class slightly open and, when possible, the door will stay open as well.

Note that, as the number of students per class has been reduced, we have limited spots and some times are already fully booked so, if you want to learn with one of the best schools you possibly can, don’t take too long in popping by!

Our new classrooms.

Can I feel safe at ES?

We have done, and keep doing, everything in our hands to make you feel that way. The classrooms are disinfected in between classes and we have created closed groups to reduce the number of people you’re in contact with. We feel safe at ES, and hope you do too. 😀

Is there any alternative to traditional face to face lessons?

Yes, there is. This year we are also offering the possibility of attending the lessons online, whether they are in a group or private one-to-one classes. Give us a call or send us an email for more information! We’ll be happy to talk to you!

Are you ready?

Our contact details

Phone number: 981 140024

Email: info@euroschoolofenglish.com

Address: C/ Fernando Macías 13, 1º 15004 ( A Coruña)

We really hope to see you soon. Until then: #staysafe

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